dimecres, 17 de desembre del 2008
dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2008

Sleepy Hollow is a village which used to belong to the American Indians. It is a peaceful place, so peaceful that the people are always sleepy! The Indians belived ther were many spirits in Sleepy Hollow, and the locals believe these spirits are still there. The most famous one is that of the Headless Horseman. He was a solider whose head was blown off by cannoball in the American War of Independece.
He was buried without head and every night he rides through Sleepy Hollow towards the scene of the battle, looking for his head, but never finds it.

Last weekend I was staying with my big family in Tamariu's beach. In the morning, when we were at the sea, the wether became stormy and a very big wave arrived. The beach was flooded and the people were very tense. They were running everywhere.
Suddenly, I saw one shark in the beach. He wanted to eat me because I had a fish in my hand. I was very frightened. I launched the fish in the water and the shark when for it.
After this panic situation my family and I were ok and then we went to the restaurant to eat good dinner. It was a surprising experience and when we arrived home I felt lucky to be alive, that day was a terrible day in my life.

Welcome to Usall Sports, near the mountain in Catalonia, you can dance and practice sports.
Our club is the best because the people who work are very funny and they help everybody. F.C.B team is often coming here!
At the Usall Sports we have four gyms, so , if you're energetic enough you can do some exercise. Or perhaps, you can ride a horse and play a new fantastic game like horse ball.
We also have a good plastic surgery specialist, so you can change your image. After two or three days in the club, people felt better and they look twenty years younger.
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